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Livraison gratuite à l'achat de 500 $ et plus
Monnaie Canada

2024 Upper Deck Marvel Studios Series 2 Cinematic Trading Cards Hobby Box - COURRIEL OU APPEL POUR SAVOIR LE PRIX!!

# MC51510
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CONTENT HIGHLIGHTS: (All items subject to change)
Introducing Upper Deck Marvel Studios' Series 2 trading card set! This set will highlight an amazing array of characters that are part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe theatrical films. This UD legacy brand known for its roster of up-and-coming athletes, will now suit up and introduce the MCU “Rookie Card” to collectors with UD DEBUT!

Character Forward Trading Card Set
- With a variety of designs and technologies used to create exciting collectable cards!
- Picking up designs from Upper Deck's library of eye-catching cards, including:
- Outburst, HoloGrFx, 1995 Collectors Choice SE, Dazzlers, Fluorescence

- New to our line of MCU trading cards
- Look out for Exclusives and High Gloss Parallels

Talent Autograph Cards – Signature Sensations!

PACK HITS (On Average)
- 4 Base Set Cards
- 1 Insert or Chase Card

BOX HITS (On Average)
- 6 UD DEBUTS Card(s)
- 4 Themed Insert Cards from the following:
- Heroic Homelands, Lunchbox Legends, Fee Fi Foes
- 4 UD Canvas + UD DEBUTS
- 1 1995 Collectors Choice SE Retros
- 1 HoloGrFx + Gold Parallel
- 1 Dazzlers Blue
- 2 Signature Sensations
- Hits from the following:
- Exclusives Parallel + UD DEBUTS,
High Gloss Parallel + UD DEBUTS,
Red + Golden Out Burst Parallel – UD DEBUTS,
SP Authentic Future Watch Retros,
HoloGrFx Orange + Green Parallel,
UD Portraits Gold + Red Parallel,
Heroic Homelands Gold Parallel,
Lunchbox Legends Parallel,
Fee Fi Foes Gold Parallel,
1995 Collectors Choice SE Retros Silver + Super Script Parallels,
Fluorescence – Gold, Blue, Green, Magenta Parallels, Printing Plates

CASE HITS (On Average)
- 6 UD Canvas Black & White and/or Dazzlers Pink
- 2 Fluorescence Red
- 6 Silver Outburst Parallels – UD DEBUTS
- Hits from the following:
- Exclusives Parallel + UD DEBUTS,
High Gloss Parallel + UD DEBUTS,
Red + Golden Out Burst Parallel – UD DEBUTS,
SP Authentic Future Watch Retros,
HoloGrFx Orange + Green Parallel,
UD Portraits Gold + Red Parallel,
Heroic Homelands Gold Parallel,
Lunchbox Legends Parallel,
Fee Fi Foes Gold Parallel,
1995 Collectors Choice SE Retros Silver + Super Script Parallels,
Fluorescence – Gold, Blue, Green, Magenta Parallels, Printing Plates

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